FSP F*GG Heads
Johanna Gehmacher (Department of Contemporary History)
Contact: johanna.gehmacher@univie.ac.at
Research topics:
Contemporary history as women's and gender history
Theoretical and empirical perspectives on the concept of nation
Theory of biography, biography research
Social movements: women's movements, youth movements
National socialism: history of hational Socialism as an oppositional movement, women's and gender History of national socialism, history of memory
Gabriella Hauch (Department of History)
Contact: gabriella.hauch@univie.ac.at
Research topics:
Women's and gender history
European history since the French Revolution
Biographical history
History of national socialism
Researchers for FSP FGG
Theresa Adamski
Research topics:
Women's and gender history
History of labor
Economic history of the 19th century
Labor movements
Doreen Blake
Research topics:
Women's and gender history
Women's association history
Austrian history of the 19th and 20th centuries
European integration from a gender-historical perspective
Birgitta Bader-Zaar
Research topics:
Legal and constitutional history of Europe and North America with a special focus on the history of suffrage
Women's and gender history: Migration und rights
History of slavery (especially slave narratives)
Comparative and transnational history
Peter Becker
Research topics:
Social biologization
Monika Bernold
Research topics:
History and theories of visual culture
Film, television in Austria, media history
Media change and social movements
Women's, consumer and gender history of the 20th century
Auto/biographical research
Franz Eder
Research topics:
History of the family and labor/organization
History of consumerism
History of sexuality
Linda Erker
Research topics:
Testimonies of female remigrants in Austria after 1945
Historical comparison (Austrofascism - Francoism)
History of science Historical-political education/history teaching and didactics
Therese Garstenauer
Research topics:
History of labor and livelihood
History of government employees
Science research (Social studies of social sciences and humanities)
Gender studies
Geometric data analysis
Julia Gebke
Research topics:
Spanish and French history
Early modern period
History of science, in particular the history of the body and medicine
Gender history
History of Sephardic Judaism
Li Gerhalter
Research topics:
Diary and auto/biographical research
Friend research
Memory practices: material cultures
Gender history in the 20th century
Collection and archiving policies
Andrea Griesebner
Research topics:
Feminist and micro-historical perspectives on the cultural, legal and gender history of the early modern period
Theory and methodology of the historical sciences
Feminist theory
Julia Heinemann
Research topics:
History of the European early modern period
Historical anthropology
Social relationships and conflicts
Family and kinship
Governance and political culture
History of the body
Gender history
New military history
Elisa Heinrich
Research topics:
Women's and gender history
History of homosexuality in the 19th/20th century
The aftermath and history of remembrance of national socialism
Museology and heritage policies
Dietlind Hüchtker
Research topics
History of rooms
Interdisciplinary gender research
Transregional rurality
Transregional history of knowledge and science
Kerstin Susanne Jobst
Research topics:
History of Central and Eastern Europe
Lisa Kirchner
Research topics:
Women's and gender history in the 20th century
History of violence: First and Second World Wars
Testimonial research
New military history
Andrea Komlosy
Research topics:
Women's labor, household and family in historical change
The concept of labor, division of labor and gender
Women in global labor relations
Women's work in different employment relationships
Claudia Kraft
Research topics:
Women's and gender history
Comparative European contemporary history
History of state socialism in Central and Eastern Europe
Transnational legislative history in the 20th century
Margareth Lanzinger
Research topics:
Historical anthropology
Gender history: Kinship and family
Marriage and matrimonial property and assets
Inheritance and matrimonial property law
Cultural history of administration
The making of heroes and heroines
Nora Lehner
Research topics:
Women's and gender history
History of sexualities in the German-speaking region
Biographical research
Cultures of memory and memorial pedagogy
Holocaust education
Christina Linsboth
Research topics:
Dissertation project on Viennese consumer culture in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century using the example of clothing
Consumer history of the 19th century
Christina Lutter
Research topics:
Concepts of community in late medieval Europe
Religious reform movements in high and late medieval Europe
Entangled medieval monastic, urban, and courtly cultures
Medieval and early modern representations of emotions
Kinship and gender in medieval and early modern times in Europe
Cultural Studies, gender studies, social and cultural anthropology
Maria Mesner
Research topics:
History of reproduction
History of gender relations in the political sphere, especially in the 20th century
Transformation processes of the 1970s in Europe
Christof Muigg
Research topics:
Gender history
Historical anthropology
History of the European early modern period
New military history/cultural history of violence
Cultural history of diplomacy
Dorothea Nolde
Research topics:
Comparative history of Western Europe in the early modern period (focus: France, Germany)
Cultural history of diplomacy
Cultural contacts and cultural transfer in the early modern period
Historical violence and conflict research
Gender history
Corinna Oesch
Research topics:
Historiography on women's movements
Auto/biographical theory and research
Museology and exhibition management
20th century music history
Wolfgang Schmale
Research topics:
European history
Men's studies
French history
Brigitta Schmidt-Laube
Research topics:
Ethnographic methods (field research, qualitative interview)
Ethnicity and migration
Anthropological urban research
Popular culture
Regional ethnography
Narrative and biographical research
Culture of emotions
Gender studies
Katharina Seibert
Research topics:
Contemporary history of Spain and comparative contemporary history of Europe
Women’s, men’s and gender history
History of civil wars in cultural perspectives
Medicine and humanitarian relief work in the 20th century
Annemarie Steidl
Research topics: Historical migration research
Industrialization and urbanization
History of artisans
Gender studies
Quantitative methods in history
Sybille Steinbacher
Research topics: 20th century German history
National socialism, fascism, holocaust
History of sexuality
Christopher Treiblmayr
Research topics:
History of human rights and civil society
Women’s and gender history
Research on homosexuality
History of national socialism
History of education
Susan Zimmermann
Research topics:
Gender Studies