GESCHLECHTERGESCHICHTEN VOM GENUSS. Zum 60. Geburtstag von Gabriella Hauch
10.10.2019, Aula am Campus, 1090 Wien
Moments of pleasure can be found in a variety of - sometimes surprising - contexts. A look at social norms, practices and actors reveals rewarding - and pleasurable! - perspectives for research. Pleasure can be found in its commodified form in everyday culture, just as it can function as a status symbol or be associated with resistance.
Gabriella Hauch – one of Austria's most recognized gender historians – already dealt with resistant practices in her early research, which are always also "pleasurable" transgressions.
In the anthology celebrating Gabriella Hauch's 60th birthday and academic work, companions, colleagues and friends reflect on pleasure in its historical and contemporary manifestations: from subcultures and celebrations to travel, intoxication and excess to questions of the regulation and scientification of pleasure.
The editors with Gabriella Hauch, Foto: Patrick Rieser
Genuss in der Forschung – a talk with Gabriella Hauch (and Veronika Duma) Foto: Patrick Rieser
The laudatory speakers Johanna Gehmacher and Regina Thumser-Wöhs with Gabriella Hauch, Foto: Patrick Rieser
Foto: Patrick Rieser
A concert by Ana Threat, Foto: Patrick Rieser
Auf die Barrikaden! Birthday song for Gabriella Hauch by Elisabeth Holzleithner (with Karl Fallend and Theresa Adamski), Foto: Patrick Rieser